Publisher: Mercer University Press
Product Code: HH1036
ISBN: 9780881468892
Price: $35.00
In December 1864, twenty-four year-old Eliza Frances ("Fanny") Andrews began a journal that she would maintain through August 1865. For a few years after the war Miss Andrews kept another diary (or rather an extension of her first one) and excerpted sections are printed herein. Chosen are those passages most expressive of her Confederate patriotism, Southern pride (even in defeat), and continued excoriation of Yankees.
Product Code: H909
ISBN: 9780881465457
Product Format: Book
Price: $35.00
Houston Hartsfield Holloway (1844–1917) was born enslaved in upcountry Georgia, taught himself to read and write, learned the blacksmith trade, was emancipated by Union victory in 1865, and served as an ordained traveling preacher in the African Methodist Episcopal Church from 1870 to 1883. He devoted the remainder of his life to his family, his blacksmith trade, and his local church. Holloway’s 24,000-word autobiography offers a rare working-class perspective on life during some of the most transformative years of US history.
Footnotes provide supplementary biographical information for nearly two hundred relatives, neighbors, friends, and coworkers named in Holloway’s narrative. An appendix includes nineteen extended biographical sketches. The book is illustrated with photographs and three detailed maps of Holloway’s home neighborhoods and preaching assignments.
Product Code: H890
ISBN: 9780881465006
Price: $35.00
This study of church discipline cases describes a system of subjection with obligations for all--men, women, parents, children, masters, and servants. Although many historians have mistaken this for "oppression," most Southerners accepted the idea of "subjection," regarding it as a divinely ordained system for their mutual governance and benefit.
Complete with a map and statistical tables, this book argues that church discipline bound everyone together in mutual subjection to a shared code of conduct rather than empowering white men exclusively with a position of authority over others.
Publisher: Mercer University Press
Product Code: H904
ISBN: 9780881465303
Price: $35.00
In the Beginning highlights the history of the world’s largest religious memorial to the legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr. Inspired essays on education, social justice, nonviolence, peace, ecumenism, and civil and human rights are offered in honor of Lawrence Edward Carter, Sr., founding dean of the Martin Luther King, Jr. International Chapel. This book is a lasting tribute and valuable contribution to the history and educational mission of Morehouse College. Contributors include Lewis V. Baldwin, Thomas O. Buford, Delman L. Coates, Jason R. Curry, Norm Faramelli, Peter Goodwin Heltzel, Barbara Lewis King, Douglas E. Krantz, Bill J. Leonard, Otis A. Maxfield, Echol Nix, Jr., Harold Oliver, Peter Paris, Samuel K. Roberts, Prince El Hassan bin Talal, Harold Dean Trulear, Edward P. Wimberly, Vincent L. Wimbush, and Virgil Wood.
Product Code: H901
ISBN: 9780881465242
Price: $35.00
This unique book, originally published in a limited edition in 1982 and out of print for many years, is the most comprehensive collection of Civil War letters written by residents of Southeastern Alabama and Southwestern Georgia to be published.
Poignant in emotion, informative in detail, and broad in scope, the correspondence contained here provides us with a unique opportunity to understand the Civil War and its effect on individuals and families from an intensely personal perspective. The writers, the great majority of them unlettered and expressing themselves in a disarmingly honest manner in their heartfelt missives, collectively paint a compelling portrait of a watershed moment in national history from a regional viewpoint. They make well-known events tangible and lesser-known sidebars illuminating.
Publisher: Mercer University Press
Product Code: H996
ISBN: 9780881467659
Price: $25.00
Cecilia Lawton's life was changed forever when the bloodiest war in American history began in 1861. The daughter of a wealthy Georgia plantation owner, she was married at the age of sixteen and went to live at her husband's plantation in South Carolina, but a few months later, she found herself fleeing from the army of General William T. Sherman as it ravaged the state. She observed the aftermath of this brutal campaign in Georgia and South Carolina, writing of what she saw in vivid, horrific detail. Told in her own words, this is the true story of Cecilia Lawton, a young woman who faced incredible challenges with determination and courage.
Product Code: H998
ISBN: 9780881467673
Price: $35.00
INTO TENNESSEE AND FAILURE is the second volume of Stephen Davis's study of John Bell Hood's generalship in 1864. Davis's theme in Volume One was the ambition that drove Hood to seek higher and higher rank. Here, while recognizing Hood's loyalty to the Confederate cause, he discerns Hood's unflattering traits: questioning the courage of his men, bickering with other generals, and concealing from his superiors the extent of his disaster in Tennessee.
Publisher: Mercer University Press
Product Code: H928
ISBN: 9780881466058
Price: $35.00
Jefferson Davis faced the greatest crisis of his Confederate presidency in the fall of 1864. Stunning Union victories and thinning army ranks forced Davis to decide whether independence or slavery was most important. In November, Davis called on Congress to reconsider the role of the slave in the Southern war effort. His goal was not simply to find more men for Lee’s army but rather to create a new Confederate identity based in the experience of war rather than in the shadows of the Old South.
inal campaign by convincing many Southerners that the Confederate nation was more important than the institution of slavery.
Publisher: Mercer University Press
Product Code: H920
ISBN: 9780881465860
Price: $35.00
In 1975, Jimmy Carter announced he would run for President. Under the new Federal Election Laws only $21.8 million would be provided for the General Election Campaign. A trivial amount compared to future campaigns.
An army of loyal supporters, friends, neighbors, and elected officials, known as the Peanut Brigade, joined the campaign. They traveled across the country, joining Jimmy and Rosalynn, knocking on doors, standing at factory gates, walking streets, asking voters to vote for Jimmy Carter for President. In 1976, Carter was elected the 39th President of the United States and served one term.
While the basics of his story are well known, they have never been told from the perspective of a “soldier” in the Peanut Brigade. Dorothy “Dot” Padgett, with an earthy, honest, and Southern voice, tells the story as if new to all of us. Humor and insight abound in this direct telling of how a peanut farmer from Georgia became President and leader of the United States. The secret is in his character, his morality, and in his being truly human.
Product Code: P119
ISBN: 9780865542624
Product Format: Paperback
Price: $25.00
Of all the defense forces raised in Confederate Georgia, the Georgia State Line-two regiments of conscription-age soldiers-stands alone as an organization unique in origin and service. This book, the only extensive treatment of a Georgia state military organization during the Civil War, traces the history of the State Line regiments as they participated in every Confederate campaign waged in Georgia during their existence.
Publisher: Mercer University Press
Product Code: HH1032
ISBN: 9780881468847
Price: $35.00
John T. Wilder was an influential nineteenth-century American industrialist, and a successful foundry owner at Greensburg, Indiana, when he enlisted in the Union Army during the Civil War in April 1861. After the war, developed mines across eastern Tennessee and western North Carolina, and dabbled in the hotel and railroad business, as well as politics. He was also heavily involved with getting the Chickamauga Battlefield established as the first National Military Park in the United States.
Product Code: HH1051
ISBN: 9780881469608
Availability: Not currently available. ( Backorder policy)
Price: $45.00
Joshua Hill served in the United States House of Representatives prior to the Civil War and strongly opposed secession. During the War he ran for governor as the so-called peace candidate and later met with William T. Sherman in peace negotiations that failed. In November 1864 when the March to the Sea reached his hometown, Hill interceded with the Union command and earned his legendary, if sometimes exaggerated, title as the man who saved Madison, the village "too pretty to burn." Bradley R. Rice's meticulous research has produced a long overdue account of the life and times of the man who was, as his gravestone reads, "a staunch southern friend of the Union."