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Baptists in Early North America–First Baptist Church, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Volume VII
Publisher: Mercer University Press
Product Code: HH1004
ISBN: 9780881467864
Availability: In stock
Price: $60.00
Minutes from the First Baptist Church in Philadelphia show the congregation was from the beginning the mother church for Baptists in the American colonies and early republic. Baptist members of the Pennepack Church had begun meeting in the center city in 1688. They hosted the organizing meeting of the Philadelphia Baptist Association in 1707 and organized formally in 1746. This volume includes minutes from 1757 through 1806, when William Staughton became pastor.

Baptists in Early North America–First Baptist, Providence, Volume II
Edited by: J. Stanley Lemons
Publisher: Mercer University Press
Product Code: H873
ISBN: 9780881464436
Product Format: Hardback
Availability: In stock
Price: $60.00
Baptists in Early North America—First Baptist, Providence, is the second volume to appear in the BENA Series. This church, also known as the First Baptist Church in America, was founded in 1638 by Roger Williams and a group of religious outcasts from Massachusetts Bay Colony.

Baptists in Early North America–Meherrin, Virginia, Volume VI
Edited by: Fred Anderson
Publisher: Mercer University Press
Product Code: H972
ISBN: 9780881466973
Availability: In stock
Price: $60.00
BAPTISTS IN EARLY NORTH AMERICA--MEHERRIN, VIRGINIA features the transcription of the records of Meherrin, an eighteenth- and early nineteenth-century Baptist church on the frontier of Virginia in rural Lunenburg County. Despite its backwater location and relatively small congregation, Meherrin played a significant role in one of the great episodes of Baptist history in young America: the rise of Separate Baptists and their influence in Virginia.

Baptists in Early North America–Middletown Baptist Church, New Jersey, Volume VIII
Publisher: Mercer University Press
Product Code: HH1018
ISBN: 9780881468236
Availability: In stock
Price: $60.00
Middletown Baptist Church in Monmouth County ("Old First Church" since 1963) is the oldest Baptist congregation in New Jersey and one of the constituting churches of the Philadelphia Baptist Association in 1707. Church meeting minutes, membership rolls, congregational correspondence, and personal letters cover the period 1712 to 1811. The earliest years after the church's founding in 1688 are largely unknown due to discord and subsequent excision of records. Records for the years 1741 to 1785 are incomplete, but transcribed entries from "Elder Mott's Journal" provide a first-hand account of the church's life during that period.

Baptists in Early North America–Newport, Rhode Island, Seventh Day Baptists, Volume III
Edited by: Janet Thorngate   Series edited by: William H. Brackney
Publisher: Mercer University Press
Product Code: H922
ISBN: 9780881465884
Availability: In stock
Price: $60.00
Baptists in Early North America—Newport, Rhode Island, Seventh Day Baptists , Volume III covers the period 1664 to 1808, from the date some members of Newport’s first Baptist church began meeting for worship on the seventh-day Sabbath (Saturday) through the first 137 years of their life as the Newport Seventh Day Baptist Church. Transcriptions of the church’s first three record books (1692–1808) are preceded by extensive excerpts from the manuscripts and letters of Samuel Hubbard, one of the founding members; these document the origins in John Clarke’s Newport Baptist church and the influences from Sabbathkeeping Baptists in mid-seventeenth century England.

Baptists in Early North America–Swansea, Massachusetts Volume I
Publisher: Mercer Universtiy Press
Product Code: H871
ISBN: 9780881464399
Product Format: Hardback
Availability: In stock
Price: $60.00
Baptists in Early North America—Swansea, Massachusetts, is the first volume to appear in the BENA Series. Volume 1 covers the period 1649 to 1844. Known in part as the “Ilston Book,” it is the oldest surviving record of a Baptist congregation in North America and contains equally unique material from the Welsh period of the congregation gathered by John Myles.

Baptists in Early North America–The Historical Works of Morgan Edwards, Volume XII
Edited by: Evan L. Colford   Series edited by: William H. Brackney
Product Code: HH1049
ISBN: 9780881469547
Availability: In stock
Price: $60.00
With the publication of the twelfth and final volume of the Baptists in Early North America series, the editors present the historical works of one of the leading Baptists of the eighteenth century. Morgan Edwards was a pastor, scholar, and a builder of institutions (Rhode Island College, later Brown University).

Baptists in Early North America—Welsh Neck, South Carolina, Volume V
Edited by: John Barrington   Series edited by: William H. Brackney
Publisher: Mercer University Press
Product Code: H956
ISBN: 9780881466775
Availability: In stock
Price: $60.00
BAPTISTS IN EARLY NORTH AMERICA--WELSH NECK, SOUTH CAROLINA, contains a transcription of the Welsh Neck Church Book from 1759 to 1798, along with two short works by Rev. Edmund Botsford, pastor of Welsh Neck from 1782 to 1796: his SPIRITUAL AUTOBIOGRAPHY and ON SLAVERY. This volume also includes the letters written by Botsford to Rev. Richard Furman during Botsford's years as pastor at Welsh Neck. These documents are accompanied by a history of the church from its founding in 1737 until it moved to Society Hill at the start of the nineteenth century.

Baptists in Early North America–Wolfville, Nova Scotia, Volume XI
Edited by: Roger H. Prentice   Series edited by: William H. Brackney
Publisher: Mercer Uniersity Press
Product Code: HH1041
ISBN: 9780881469165
Availability: In stock
Price: $60.00
Volume XI specifically illustrates the presence of Nova Scotia Baptists in the transatlantic community. In the historical introduction, Roger Prentice informatively demonstrates the theological and polity formation of a congregation made up of planters and the next generations. How the Baptist movement came to be in Canada is Wolfville's story: it is the oldest continuing Baptist congregation in Canada.

Baptists, Gospel, and Culture: Papers from the Eighth International Conference on Baptist Studies
Publisher: Mercer University Press
Product Code: P625
ISBN: 9780881467895
Availability: In stock
Price: $40.00
Baptists historically have shared common beliefs, including believer's baptism, congregational governance, and separation of church and state. This book addresses the question of why Baptists differ in various parts of the world. A central component of the answer lies in part in the variety of cultures where Baptists have planted churches. In order to document the diversities, this study has intentionally sought contributions from Baptist scholars across the world, including Africa, Asia, Australia, New Zealand, Latin America, and eastern Europe as well as from western Europe and North America where Baptist presence is more common.

Broken Churches, Broken Nation: Denominational Schisms and the Coming of the Civil War
By author: Betty Ruth Goen
Product Code: P017
ISBN: 9780865541870
Product Format: Paperback
Print on Demand title
Price: $20.00
In this first comprehensive treatment of the role of American churches in the processes that led to the Civil War, Goen suggests that the division of Presbyterian, Methodist, and Baptist churches along the lines of slavery foreshadowed and was a major cause of the imminent dissolution of the Union.

Charlotte Atlee White Rowe: The Story of America's First Appointed Woman Missionary
By author: Reid S. Trulson
Publisher: Mercer University Press
Product Code: HH1012
ISBN: 9780881468038
Availability: In stock
Price: $35.00
Charlotte Atlee White was the first woman officially appointed as a missionary by any denomination or mission agency. The scandal of her 1815 appointment required her to prevail over gender bias, survive attempts to revoke her appointment, and surmount the challenge of insufficient funding. After marrying Joshua Rowe, a widowed missionary in Calcutta in 1816, she remained in India to serve with the British Baptists. There she overcame local prejudice against educating girls while starting schools, teaching in Hindi, and writing a Hindi spelling and grammar book as teaching aids

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