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Spring Up Everlasting: Poems

By author: William Woolfitt
Product Code: P601
ISBN: 9780881467352
Publisher: Mercer University Press
Availability: In stock
Price: $16.00

In his third book of poetry, William Woolfitt reflects on experiences of hope and despair, on ecological crisis and violence and stubborn survival, on Lucille Clifton's imperative to "bloom how you must" and on Gerard Manley Hopkins' vision of a grandeur-charged world. Set in Appalachia, Costa Rica, Afghanistan, Newfoundland, Mali, and elsewhere, SPRING UP EVERLASTING attempts to listen to and learn from the stories of people who have resisted the destruction and desecration of their environments, families, homes, and bodies. Farmers, glass-workers, an elk hunter, Mary of Bethany, and the jazz musician Charles Mingus are among the witnesses gathered here. In contemplating Pentecostal churches and endangered sea turtles, a drum concert in Segou and self-taught artists, polluted rivers and torture survivors, these poems turn to the possibility that we will be braced by the mysteries of God, that the spirit will move in our broken lives and the mess of our world, and spring up everlasting.
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Review by: Tiana Clark, author of I CAN'T TALK ABOUT THE TREES WITHOUT THE BLOOD - December 1, 2019
"William Woolfitt crafts a gorgeous lyric, braiding hymn-drenched, pastoral imagery with sonorous music made of our bones. These precise poems read as if Elizabeth Bishop had been born again. Woolfitt will take you to the river and take you to church. He will make you believe that poetry is the sacred portrait, a way of seeing and feeling holiness in the violent landscape of our hearts."
Review by: Ida Stewart, author of GLASS - December 1, 2019
"William Woolfitt's poems are bracing: this line a cold gust, that line sure as gravity. They feel as much hewn by a human hand as they feel unearthed, unembedded—raw, whole, and real. In one poem, we observe a man gently collect a dead finch into a plastic specimen bag from which 'he eased the extra air.' In this way, Woolfitt stretches language across his lines. Such closeness, such captivation. Read this book to see more clearly, to feel how much you love the world."
Review by: Laura Da', author of INSTRUMENTS OF THE TRUE MEASURE - December 1, 2019
"Keenly observed and empathetically wrought narratives honoring keen details of human connections to places illuminate SPRING UP EVERLASTING."
Review by: Jenn Givhan, author of GIRL WITH DEATH MASK and ROSA'S EINSTEIN - December 1, 2019
"I fell in absolute love with William Woolfitt's SPRING UP EVERLASTING and his naturalist's eye, his imagery, the lushness amidst disaster, economic, ecological, and personal. Woolfitt listens carefully to the sounds of the natural world and finds his place within it. He sings every aching note."

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