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Carlyle Marney: A Pilgrim's Progress

By author: Carey
Product Code: P003
ISBN: 9780865540019
Product Format: Paperback
Availability:Not currently available.
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Price: $35.00

A prominent and colorful pastor and theologian, Carlyle Marney is the only Southern Baptist pastor to achieve national ecumenical significance in the 20th century. Attention is given to Marne’s Baptist ties as the author examines his roots, pilgrimage, and theological transitions. The volume focuses upon the evolution of Marney’s thought and utilizes a “Pilgrim” motif in appraising both his life and theological development. The author draws upon unpublished papers and files to identify Marney’s contributions in his vision of a good society, in his affirmation of a forward-looking church, and in his emphasis upon the person. An interesting epilogue describes Marney’s view of heaven and gives us a glimpse into one of his lighter moods of theological writing.
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