Publisher: Mercer University Press
Product Code: HH1012
ISBN: 9780881468038
Price: $35.00
Charlotte Atlee White was the first woman officially appointed as a missionary by any denomination or mission agency. The scandal of her 1815 appointment required her to prevail over gender bias, survive attempts to revoke her appointment, and surmount the challenge of insufficient funding. After marrying Joshua Rowe, a widowed missionary in Calcutta in 1816, she remained in India to serve with the British Baptists. There she overcame local prejudice against educating girls while starting schools, teaching in Hindi, and writing a Hindi spelling and grammar book as teaching aids
Publisher: Mercer University Press
Product Code: H970
ISBN: 9780881466942
Price: $45.00
This collection of essays is dedicated to William Henry Brackney, one of the leading Baptist historians in North America for the past four decades. Few, if any, Baptist historians of any era have written more extensively, more broadly, or more insightfully on the Baptist people in North America than Brackney. Contributors include: Clinton Bennett, Chris Chun, Keith Clements, Charles W. Deweese, Paul Fiddes, Stanley K. Fowler, Erich Geldbach, Larry Kreitzer, James Stanley Lemons, Thorwald Lorenzen, Roger H. Prentice, John D. Roth, Horace O. Russell, John Shouse, Walter B. Shurden, and Andrea Strübind.
Product Code: H640
ISBN: 9780865547704
Product Format: Hardback
Price: $45.00
This collection of essays centered on different aspects of Baptist History is presented as a tribute to Walter B. “Buddy” Shurden, church historian, teacher, preacher, author, Baptist apologist. The essays cover international, national, and local aspects of Baptist History. Contributors include historians from the US, UK, and Canada.
Publisher: Mercer University Press
Product Code: H833
ISBN: 9780881462586
Product Format: Hardback
Price: $35.00
Baptists in the South, rapidly rising to challenge Methodists numerically helped align Southern religion with the South's black slave culture. The birth of the Southern Baptist Convention in 1945, formed in order to preserve God's will for the African race, signaled the inevitability of war. This book explores the myriad of ways in which Baptists in Middle Georgia helped shape history before, during, and after the Civil War.
Product Code: H755
ISBN: 9780881461077
Product Format: Hardback
Price: $45.00
Domestic Slavery originated in the nineteenth century as a literary debate. The chapters were originally the letters of Southern pastor Richard Fuller and Northern educator Francis Wayland, with each defending their respective positions. Historians of Southern religion consider Domestic Slavery to be one of the major contributions to the nineteenth-century debate over the peculiar institution. This critical edition of Domestic Slavery, which includes annotations and an appendix of related documents, represents the first reprint of this important work to be published since the mid-nineteenth century.
Publisher: Mercer University Press
Product Code: H853
ISBN: 9780881463897
Product Format: Hardback
Price: $35.00
Writers of church and mission history have devoted very few pages to George Liele’s ministry and most mentions ignore the global nature of his pioneer work, international influence, intelligence, and legacy. He launched a mission movement that reached from Georgia to Jamaica and from Jamaica to Sierra Leone and Nova Scotia—all before the pioneer work of William Carey, Adoniram Judson, Richard Allen, and Lott Cary. Beginning as a slave preacher, Liele learned the Baptist story and theology—a message he preached in South Carolina, Georgia, and Jamaica. In providing a comprehensive introduction to Liele’s life and work, this book draws readers into identifying with Liele and those who lived through a difficult historic period and who in the process developed a theology that guided them through the challenges of being a Christian leader in a slave society.
Publisher: Mercer University Press
Product Code: P429
ISBN: 9780881462432
Product Format: Paperback
Price: $35.00
Baptists have a long and rich heritage of congregational song. The hymns Baptists have sung and the books from which they have sung them have been shaping forces for the theology, worship, and piety of the denomination.
Baptist authors and composers have provided songs that have made an impact not only among Baptists in America,
but also across denominational and geographic lines. Congregational singing continues to a be key component of
Baptist worship.
Product Code: P346
ISBN: 9780881461053
Product Format: Paperback
Price: $23.00
When John Smyth organized the first Baptist church, he wanted to establish the New Testament church; believer's baptism was the missing link. Baptists of subsequent eras often continued the search to embody “New Testament Christianity.” Alongside the quest for the New Testament church (and congregational community), Weaver especially highlights the Baptist commitment to religious liberty and the individual conscience. Both chronological and thematic, this book addresses such themes as the role of women, the social gospel, ecumenism, charismatic influences, and theological emphases in Baptist life.
Publisher: Mercer University Press
Product Code: P605
ISBN: 9780881467468
Price: $35.00
Walter Rauschenbusch's thought made an indelible and enduring impact on the Christian world and beyond. Scores of books and hundreds of articles have rediscovered the implications of his work in church history, ethics, politics, gender studies, international relations, German American cross culturalism, Christian spirituality, Baptist religious identity, and the Liberal and evangelical theological perspectives. His writings made an immediate impact upon publication, and have been reprinted over the years since by many different disciples. A roster of distinguished and younger scholars plumbed the depths of Rauschenbusch's impact on the Christian Tradition.
Publisher: Mercer University Press
Product Code: H805
ISBN: 9780881462050
Product Format: Hardback
Price: $35.00
Jimmy Allen served as the last “moderate” president of the Southern Baptist Convention concluding his second term in 1979, the first year of the emergence of a new “fundamentalist” leadership of the convention. His life parallels the movement of Baptists in the South from a folk people rooted in a predominantly rural ethos into an urban, increasingly educated, and diverse people.
Publisher: Mercer University Press
Product Code: P632
ISBN: 9780881468069
Price: $28.00
MORE WITNESSES TO THE BAPTIST HERITAGE continues telling the story of the rich and often overlooked diversity of Baptist life. Highlighted in this volume are Obadiah Holmes, Thomas Grantham, Anne Steele, Ann Hasseltine Judson, William Knibb, John Mason Peck, Emily Chubbuck Judson, William J. Simmons, Fannie Exile Scudder Heck, Henry L. Morehouse, Hannah Marie Norris Armstrong, Augustus H. Strong, John Clifford, Virginia Broughton, Leslie Lee Gwaltney, Clarence Leonard Jordan, Joseph Martin Dawson, Fannie Lou Hamer, Eric Charles Rust, Prathia Hall, Cora Anne Davis, Addie Davis, William J. Reynolds, and Glen Harold Stassen.
Product Code: P374
ISBN: 9780881460964
Product Format: Paperback
Price: $23.00
Many early Baptists who were imprisoned in England and in the American colonies did not remain silent, for they continued to write letters, poems, and books. No Armor for the Back: Baptist Prison Writings, 1600s - 1700s recounts the story of several Baptists who refused to yield to political and ecclesiastical pressures to conform.